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Spring | Summer | Autumn | Winter

Spring luke jefford Spring luke jefford

Wild Garlic Sauerkraut

A perfect way to extend wild garlic well beyond it’s season (if it lasts that long!), using lacto-fermentation. In a nod to Nikki’s Czech roots, we’ve opted for caraway seeds to help bring a citrus & anise flavour. You could use any foraged or shop bought spice of your liking.

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Autumn, Winter luke jefford Autumn, Winter luke jefford

Crispy Puffball

A foragers take on the pub classic! If you’re British, and were around in the 90s, breaded deep-fried button mushrooms were most likely on the menu at your local pub. And, guilty as I feel, I love them. The puffball have an almost mozzarella like texture. Delicious!

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Autumn luke jefford Autumn luke jefford

Hawthorn HP

HP sauce is an iconic British condiment. Paradoxically now produced by, Heinz, in the Netherlands! This variation is bringing it back home, where it belongs! Using native autumnal hawthorn berries.

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Summer luke jefford Summer luke jefford

Cherry Plum & Port Compote

Couldn't be any more simple with only 2 ingredients! Pairs beautifully with duck or pate’s. Or it could be used with a dark chocolate dessert! The possibilities are endless. 

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Summer luke jefford Summer luke jefford

Samphire Potato Pancakes

A great way to include this coastal super food in to your diet. It can be served as an accompaniment to a meal, or simply dipped in your favourite sauce! 

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Summer luke jefford Summer luke jefford

Meadowsweet Sorbet

Using our meadowsweet mother syrup, pop this mixture into an ice cream machine. And within an hour you have to most beautiful sorbet. Simples. 

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Summer, Autumn luke jefford Summer, Autumn luke jefford

Moroccan Beach Rose Spice

3 things we love… 1) Moroccan food. 2) Beautifully scented beach rose petals. 3) Moroccan food.

It seemed an apt way to combine those three loves in to one thing. The beach rose [Rosa Rugosa], is the absolute best for scented rose petals in our opinion. We used a half and half mix of both foraged and cultivated 'french rose' so we left some for others to pick. But, if they're abundant in your area. Go the full hog! 

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Summer luke jefford Summer luke jefford

Blaeberry Cake

Using a recipe handed down through the generations of my family, back home in the Czech Republic. This wild blueberry cake is an absolute winner! 

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