Beefsteak Jerky

Recipe by Luke Jefford


Now and again you discover one of those self made recipes that will remain in your repitoire for ever. This jerky marinade is THE ONE! It was even a little hard to share. But, what's the point in knowledge if not shared? Nikki & I have spent our whole careers teaching and inspiring others with food. Hopeful others will get a chance to try how delicious it is!



  • 5 Fresh Beefsteak Fungi

  • 60g Light Soy

  • 100g Honey

  • 8g Smoked Paprika

  • 100g Ribena

  • Pinch Chilli Flakes

  • Couple Large Pinches Sea Salt

  • 15g Red Wine Vinegar (we used our homemade mugwort & cherry)



Step 1

Slice fungus thinly, but not too thinly. And pop all ingredients in to a heavy based pan.

Step 2

Cook down very gently in a pan for 1-2 hours so the fungus soaks up as much of the liquor as possible. The liquor will start to thicken during this process as it reduces.

Step 3

Remove beefsteak from the marinade and pop in to the dehydrator at 50c for 1 hour. While the beefsteak is dehydrating reduce the liquor down even further until very sticky.

Step 4

Pour remaining sticky liquor over the jerky and return to dehydrator at 50c.

Our Jerky took 15 hours at 50c. But this will massively depend on your set up. Take it out whenever you feel it's ready or how you like.


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