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Spring luke jefford Spring luke jefford

Lilac & Coconut Rum Panna Cotta

A light and floral panna cotta recipe using foraged spring lilac flowers and coconut spiced rum. Lilac flowers work really well in cream based recipes, so it seemed natural to make an Italian inspired ‘cooked cream’. We’ve paired ours with some pine pollen shortbread, but a plain shortbread would be just fine.

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Summer, Spring, Autumn, Winter luke jefford Summer, Spring, Autumn, Winter luke jefford

Ice Plant ‘Gherkins’

Probably the closest thing we’ve made from wild ingredients that resembles Nikki’s much loved gherkins. ‘Hottentot fig’ is its most common name (although regarded as racist), so we prefer to call them ‘ice plant’. The leaves themselves are quite astringent raw, but after a little bit of processing they become the most amazing pickle!

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Spring luke jefford Spring luke jefford

Wild Garlic Capers

Who doesn't love wild garlic? This way you can preserves the immature flower buds well past their season. They're a great addition to literally any meal! By curing them for few days and using vodka in the pickling liquor, this helps to preserve them further.

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Spring luke jefford Spring luke jefford

Cheeky Cheddar & Wild Garlic Bloomer

With so many sourdough posts over social media recently, the humble bloomer bread seems neglected. Personally, I prefer the density, taste and ease of a good bloomer. We're mad about garlic in our house in any shape or form, so it seemed natural to make bread from ramsons.

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