Wild Garlic Capers

wild garlic caper3.jpg

Recipe by Luke Jefford


Who doesn't love wild garlic? This way you can preserve the immature flower buds well past their season. They're a great addition to literally any meal! By curing them for few days and using vodka in the pickling liquor, this helps to preserve them further.



  • 250g unopened flower buds

  • Table salt

  • 150g Vodka

  • 225g White wine vinegar

  • 75g Purified water

  • 150g Honey



Step 1

Rub flower buds generously in table salt and leave in the fridge for 72 hours (3 days). Gently tossing every 24 hours.

Step 2

After 72 hours wash of the salt under a cold running tap and strain the buds to remove any excess water.

Step 3

Pop the remaining ingredients into a pan (except vodka) and bring to a boil. Remove from the heat and add in the vodka.

Step 4

Pour over the wild garlic flower buds once it has reached blood temperature (adding them too hot will cause them loose colour.

Step 5

Place them into air-tight containers and enjoy until the next season arrives!


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