Lilac & Earl Grey Ice Cream

Recipe by Luke Jefford


Not for the faint hearted, strong lilac & tea flavours that need a sweet topping or a sweet dessert to pair with. We went with some of our candied hazelnut catkins.



First stage

  • 40g lilac flowers

  • 500g whole milk

  • 200g fresh double cream

Second stage

  • 60g demerara

  • 75g honey

  • 2 vanilla pod seeds

  • 7 large egg yolks

  • 1 Earl grey tea bag

  • 25g Lilac flowers



Step 1

Combine cream, milk and flowers. Leave to infuse in the fridge for 48 hours.

Step 2

Bring the above mixture to the boil with an earl grey tea bag and strain.

Step 3

Add the above cream mixture to a bain-marie (a bowl above a small amount of simmering water).

Step 4

In a separate bowl mix the egg yolks, sugar and hone together until well combined. Either with a wooden spoon or electric hand whisk.

Step 5

Once the cream mixture in the bain-marie is beginning to steam, add in the vanilla pods and in a slow stream gently whisk in the egg mixture.

Step 6

Continue to whisk gently until it reaches a thickened custard (Crème Anglaise). If you have a temperature probe, it should reach this stage at around 82c.

Step 7

Let the mixture cool in the fridge. Once cool, add in the remaining 25g of lilac flowers. If you add them in whilst warm they will go brown.

Step 8

Add mixture to an ice cream machine & churn.


Vegan Wild Garlic Soup


Lilac & Coconut Rum Panna Cotta