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Summer, Autumn luke jefford Summer, Autumn luke jefford

Chanterelle Mushroom Miso

A brilliant way of preserving chanterelle mushrooms by making a sweet miso. This can be used in a whole host of ways. Additions to soups, stocks, noodles, marinating meat and vegetables. The list is endless.

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Spring luke jefford Spring luke jefford

Hazelnut Catkin Biscuits

Think Tea and Biscuits!! These are just remarkably good. It’s taken a few seasons to develop these hazelnut catkins to exactly where we wanted them. Read on…

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Spring luke jefford Spring luke jefford

Wild Garlic Sauerkraut

A perfect way to extend wild garlic well beyond it’s season (if it lasts that long!), using lacto-fermentation. In a nod to Nikki’s Czech roots, we’ve opted for caraway seeds to help bring a citrus & anise flavour. You could use any foraged or shop bought spice of your liking.

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Autumn luke jefford Autumn luke jefford

Hawthorn HP

HP sauce is an iconic British condiment. Paradoxically now produced by, Heinz, in the Netherlands! This variation is bringing it back home, where it belongs! Using native autumnal hawthorn berries.

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