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Cheeky Cheddar & Wild Garlic Bloomer

Recipe by Luke Jefford

With so many sourdough posts over social media recently, the humble bloomer bread seems neglected. Personally I prefer the density, taste and ease of a good bloomer. We're mad about garlic in our house in any shape or form, so it seemed natural to make a bread from ramsons.


  • 550g white bread flour

  • 15g table salt 

  • 7g dried yeast

  • 40g olive oil (extra for greasing)

  • 320g cold water 

  • 30g finely grated cheddar

  • Large handful of sliced wild garlic


Step 1

Add flour, salt, yeast, cheese, wild garlic and olive oil to a large mixing bowl (making sure to keep yeast and salt separate).

Step 2

Pour in 1/2 water and mix with your hands, pour in a further 1/2 water and mix thoroughly making sure that the bowl is clean of any flour residue. 

Step 3

Tip out on to a lightly floured surface and knead for 10 minutes.

Step 4

Pop your round dough ball into an oiled bowl and cover with cling film or a damp tea towel. Leave the dough to double in size.

Step 5

Knockback the dough and knead again. Shape into your desired shape. We went for a beautiful plait.

Step 6

Lightly dust a non-stick tray with flour and place your bread on it. Cover gently with oiled cling film so the bread has room to grow and the film doesn't stick.

Step 7

Turn your oven on to 200c placing a tray of boiling water at the bottom and leave your bread in a warm place to double in size again.

Step 8

Cook your bread for around 30 minutes (this depends on your oven), resist the urge to open the oven as you don't want the dough to collapse. If you're unsure if your bread is cooked, turn it over and tap the bottom. If it sounds hollow, it's cooked.

See this gallery in the original post